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  • Introducing: hexmatrix (16×16 channel matrix mixer with OSC-control)


    For a now cancelled course I wrote a small utility program that can be used to mix 16 channels arbitrarily to 16 other channels in jack. The levels of each input-output-combination can be controlled by sending OSC messages like /ch/1/send/16 1.0 to the OSC-address of hexmatrix, where the first number ist the input channel, the second number is the output channel and the third (float) number is the volume.


    Understanding Levels and dB Scales


    There are many different measurements to indicate how loud a signal is on our mixers, recorders or within our DAW software. This article tries to explain the basics so you know where to expand your knowledge, what some important reference values are and maybe even how to built your circuits in order to acommodate the expected voltages.


    Send OSC from Arduino to Computer


    OSC (Open Sound Control) is a protocol with which data can be sent between applications. For example sending data from a python script to VCV-Rack, audio DAWs, or even to certain hardware synthesizers. OSC acts as a glue, so to be speak.


    VCVRack mit OSC steuern


    Wie VSVRack Synthies mit Daten von Python aus steuern?
