OSC (Open Sound Control) is a protocol with which data can be sent between applications. For example sending data from a python script to VCV-Rack, audio DAWs, or even to certain hardware synthesizers. OSC acts as a glue, so to be speak.
In this case we want to go this route [Arduino] -> [USB-Serial] -> [Laptop/Python Script] -> [OSC] -> [Laptop/VCV-Rack]
This is the python part:
#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import serial
import time
import serial.tools.list_ports
from pythonosc import udp_client
Receives Serial messages in the format "address:value" from Arduino
and forward the value to the given OSC-address
- pyserial (install with `pip install pyserial`)
- python-osc (install with `pip install python-osc`)
# A list of strings which identify a valid "Arduino" for us.
# Use something from the description of list_comport_devices()
PORT_IDENTIFIERS = ["Arduino", "CH340", "USB2.0-Serial", "USB Serial", "Teensyduino"]
# OSC IP to connect to ( is the IP address of this computer)
OSC_IP = ""
# OSC Port to connect to (7001 is default)
OSC_PORT = 7001
def list_comport_devices():
Print a list of devices connected to this computers serial port
# Get a full list of devices connected
ports = [p for p in serial.tools.list_ports.comports() if
p.description != "n/a"]
if len(ports) == 0:
# If there are no devices connected, print this
print("Found no devices connected to this computers Serial ports\n")
# If there are devices connected...
print(f"Found the following devices connected to this computers serial ports:")
# Print each of the devices out
print(f" n {'port':<15} {'description':<15} {'manufacturer':<15} {'product':<15}")
for i, p in enumerate(ports):
device = f"[{p.device}]"
print(f" [{i}]{device:<15} {p.description:<15} {p.manufacturer if not p.manufacturer is None else 'None':<15} {p.product if not p.product is None else 'None':<15}")
def is_suitable_device(port) -> bool:
Return true if any of the Strings in the list PORT_IDENTIFIERS is found in
a ports description or manufacturer
in_description = any(x in port.description for x in PORT_IDENTIFIERS)
in_manufacturer = any(x in port.manufacturer for x in PORT_IDENTIFIERS) if not port.manufacturer is None else False
return in_description or in_manufacturer
def find_first_arduino_port():
This function returns the first device connected to this computers
serial port, whose description matches with any string in the list
PORT_IDENTIFIERS. If nothing is found print a message and wait
# Get a list of devices which have any of the strings from the list
# PORT_IDENTIFIERS in their description
ports = [p for p in serial.tools.list_ports.comports() if is_suitable_device(p)]
# When there are no devices found, just try again every second until
# a device is found or the program is stopped
while len(ports) == 0:
print(" No serial port with Arduino found, not connected? Stop program with [Ctrl] + [c]", end='\r', flush=True)
ports = [p for p in serial.tools.list_ports.comports() if is_suitable_device(p)]
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("", end='\r', flush=True)
# If a device is found, print a message and return the first one
port = ports[0]
print(f" Found a suitable device connected at {port.device}: {port.description}")
return port.device
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
print("Trying to establish a connection to Arduino...")
# List all devices connected to this computers Serial Ports
# Find the first devices that seems to be an Arduino
arduino_port = find_first_arduino_port()
arduino = serial.Serial(port=arduino_port, baudrate=115200, timeout=.1)
print(f"Established a serial connection to device at {arduino_port}")
print(f"Creating OSC client which will send OSC data to {OSC_IP}:{OSC_PORT}")
client = udp_client.SimpleUDPClient(OSC_IP, OSC_PORT)
print("\nListening for incoming messages:")
while True:
serialdata = arduino.readline()
received_string = serialdata.decode("utf-8").strip()
if received_string != "" and ":" in received_string:
address, value = received_string.split(":")
print(f" {arduino_port} ⟶ {value} ⟶ {OSC_IP}:{OSC_PORT}{address}")
value = float(value)
client.send_message(address, value)
elif received_string != "" and not ":" in received_string:
address = "/chn/1"
value = float(received_string)
print(f" {arduino_port} ⟶ {value} ⟶ {OSC_IP}:{OSC_PORT}{address}")
client.send_message(address, value)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
This the Arduino Code (upload onto the arduino via Arduino IDE):
int led = 13;
float pot = 0.0;
float increment = 0.1;
// Create a Buffer to hold characters for the messages
String buffer;
void setup() {
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
// Reserve memory for the messages
// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
pot = analogRead(A0)
// Send OSC message to this address
sendOSC("/ch/1", pot);
// /ch/1:5.234
void sendOSC(String address, float value) {
buffer += address;
buffer += ":";
buffer += String(value);
buffer = "";